Life Without Your “Bro”

My Dear Son,


boys (Photo credit: Zanthia)

May I ask what it’s like for you? I have written pages of what it’s like for me, but what about you? You and your brother were two peas in a pod. Where one of you was, there would be the other one. And the oft used phrase, “what one of you didn’t think of, the other one did” had to have been written about the two of you.

When you no longer played together or built things together, you kept in touch by phone calls and emails. Not that you’d tell me, but I somehow knew and it made me smile. You also referred to each other not by name but as “my brother” and I treasure those words of possession now, more than ever.

There has to be a hole in your heart after he was yanked away so unexpectedly and horribly, by death. I want to ask, “How are you doing?” but your “cover” seems to be fastened down tightly. Perhaps you wish to “move on” or protect us from further pain, but pain is still there and so is my great love for you, my baby and now, my grown son.

Perhaps you don’t yet realize that God’s arm is wrapped tightly around your shoulders too. He will walk beside all of us through the remainder of our lives until He takes us home to be with Him and your beloved bro forever.

Love always,


~”Shattered by Suicide” by Gracie Thompson

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