The Big Day

. . . [For we are in God’s hands.] For He is above and greater than our consciences (our hearts), and He knows(perceives and understands) everything [nothing is hidden from Him].   1 John 3:20, AMP

Since God knows everything from the beginning of time, then He has been planning the wedding of our children for the past 6000 years. He planned for them to “just happen” to be born at the right time in states far away from each other. He planned for them to “just happen” to attend the same college though they never met (can you hear the drum roll of heaven kicking in about now?). He planned for them to “just happen” to move to the same place and take the same post-graduate class. He planned for them to “just happen” to be introduced. He planned for them to “just happen” to get engaged a year later. He planned for them to “just happen” to get all their wedding plans to fall into place. The excitement is building as all heavenly and earthly beings are poised for the big day.

God has planned all of these exact moments; all orchestrated by divine plan, to come together for a beautiful wedding next week. So there will be a pause on this blog as the wedding party, family and friends of the bride and groom journey from all parts of the country to meet for a lovely outdoor wedding, lavishly decked out with smiles from ear to ear. I am going to guess that God will place the same smile He’s wearing, on the faces of the happy bride and groom. 🙂

Soon our son will marry his best friend. Soon they will be at last husband and wife and can begin a life together that God foresaw thousands of years ago. How wonderful is our God! We are blessed to be His friends. We are blessed that He is our Best Friend ~ First and Always. The best advice I can give this adorable couple is to make God the center of their lives. Seek His counsel in all matters. Make 3-way decisions about both major and minor things. He cares about the day-to-day stuff. How more real could He be when we let Him in our lives?

Dear God,

Keep safe all who travel. Please travel with us, guide us, and marry these two “kids”. They were Your kids first. Thank You for sharing them with us. As their parents, our love for them is life long. And so is Your Love. And Yours matters most. May You grace their lives as they prepare for Your coming and a life in heaven with family and friends. As wonderful as their wedding will be, it is even more wonderful that we are all the Bride of Christ!

All our love,

Your kids (the proud parents)

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